Saturday, March 27, 2010

Exercise Bikes Versus Treadmills

By Ron Higgins

You'll find that the majority of at-home gyms will have an exercise bike, treadmill, or sometimes both. Each has their benefits and drawbacks, which is the reason for their almost - emphasis on almost - similar popularity. But, which one should you choose for your home gym?

Sticking to the Exercise Regiment

One of the predominant problems of completing your exercises at home is sticking to the exercise program. It can be easy to get off track, since there are no personal trainers to provide support, instruction and help as well as different gym members to gossip with. So, it's easy to see how you could quickly get bored and lose interest.

So, let's compare the fun levels on a treadmill versus on a stationary bike. Using a treadmill, you are only able to walk and run, two things that you accomplish in the typical course of activities and that may not be as fun. Of course, you are able to vary the speed and the incline on a treadmill but still, it might not be as entertaining as you want for your exercise routine.

An exercise bike allows you to do other activities while you're working out. You are able to easily do other things, such as reading your favorite book, watching television shows, listening to music and even watching the everything around you, thanks in large part because you are not hopping on your feet. Now, contrast that with running on a treadmill. With a wider variety of entertainment options, you are more likely to stick to your home exercise program.

Saying Goodbye to Calories

It's true that studies have established that the treadmill sheds more calories than the stationary bike with all other things being equal. In general, running on the treadmill burns 750 calories each hour while the stationary bike only burns 550 calories.

So, the next conclusion is that you should opt for the treadmill instead of the stationary bike because the numbers tell it all, right? Well, not exactly as the numbers are just one part of the total equation.

If you don't use the treadmill as often as you would use the exercise bike, then it is easy to understand that the bike will give you more opportunities to burn calories. And so, the exercise bike is triumphant yet again.

A Comparison in Safety

This is perhaps the most significant comparison purely because you exercise to achieve a fitter body, not one that is damaged from exercise itself. Again, the exercise bike wins over the treadmill in the safety in operating area for two reasons.

First, the stationary bike is a very low-impact exercise compared to the high-impact workout of the treadmill. This is because your feet repeatedly come into hard contact with the floor of the treadmill yet in the stationary bike, your feet remain on the pedals. One other reason is that you are more susceptible to taking a tumble off the treadmill than on a stationary bike. If you're on a treadmill, unlike a stationary bike, you need to stay balanced the whole time.

About the Author:

This blog on weight loss and exercise is created by Howard Larrabee...For more in-depth info on dieting, exercise and weight loss, and a comprehensive ebookClick Here

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